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Wednesday, 11 April 2012
GUEST POST: Katie // Kandinsky .(scribbled at 12:45 )

Here is my first ever guest blog, from 12 year old Katie in the West Midlands. She's studying Wassily Kandinsky (Васи́лий Васи́льевич Канди́нский) at school so I thought it would be rather nice for her to document her thoughts on my favourite member of Der Blaue Reiter!

One of my pieces inspired by Kandinsky. Taken from my school art book.
Inspired by Kandinsky, I made this piece of art. It's quite abstract- I did this when I was first learning about him. I've included cut-outs of his paintings and merged it in with my work. What I really like about Kandinsky is his painterly techniques, I love the way he uses colour.

From his artwork I've seen, I've learnt that both colour and shape are rather major. This is why, in my art there are many shapes, overlapping images and colours that clash and fade together.

I think some of his work seems to have a theme, so one of the first sketches I did was about love. I thought about how Kandinsky would try and paint love, this is my attempt:

One of my first sketches
We've started learning about aboriginal art at school now so I'm going to ask Vikki if she'll let me write about that later!

Katie Elizabeth xx

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diaristic ramblings about architecture, design, art, baking and shoes.

...all posts penned by Vikki, a twenty-something girl based in London (but currently having itchy feet and wanting to move back to Neuilly).

all these poorly taken photographs are indeed my own.

Vermeer's Victoria Sponge.